Sunday, February 21, 2010

So, Whats new?

Where have I been? I'm going to have to get better about updating this thing...

Production finished on "Sinbad" and people are coming back from Belize. Guess who gets the honor of picking them up at the airport. ME!!.... Uhh, great....

But, its good that things are wrapping up on that production. Hopefully everything went well and there will be a halfway decent movie coming out of it. I'm pretty sure it was impossible for them to not get beautiful shots while down there.

The new thing around the office is the next movie we are working on "Airline Disaster". Again I was helping on the casting, but this time around things went A LOT smoother. I am definitely on board for a smooth casting process. I think I am going to try and make it like that from now on. Yea, that sounds good.

Other than casting, I haven't been doing much else for pre-production. The guys in the higher positions aren't really giving us much to do. We are going to hire other PAs but someone else has been in charge of that. Production is slated to start on Feb. 27 (a week from now) and I will be around for most of that, but not all of it.

That's because I am going back to Austin for SXSW. I am so excited! I talked to my old boss over there and he said I was in for sure. I will be working for this part called StudioSX, where we interview the big filmmakers and musicians and other important people at SXSW. I am just going to be an assistant, but it should be pretty sweet. There won't be any pay, but it comes with some awesome perks: free movies, concerts, and great opportunity for networking. I am going to hand out business cards left and right.

The goal is to make some kind of connection so that I can get a better gig than The Asylum. I have thought about quitting it for a while now and I feel like I have right reason to. They are not paying me to do a job that sucks, with no real opportunity for promotion, for a company that isn't the best in the world (and that is putting it nicely). But alas, I keep coming back. And I have the right reason for that too. Here I am, learning the process of making a film, not a very good film, but a film none-the-less. I am getting a ton of experience that I will be able take with me once I move on. After working at The Asylum, am I much more qualified for more jobs that many other people my age. And that is what keeps me going.

-Things I've learned: Look at the best of every situation. You will live on as a much better person for the experiences.

-Plans for the Future: Work for The Asylum for a couple more weeks, go to SXSW and do some kick ass networking, then come back to LA and The Asylum, but try really hard to find something else.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Oh, Belize...

Production has finally started over in Belize on Sinbad. At least it was suppose to have started on Feb. 2nd, but who knows what they are doing over there.

I really don't know the latest because I haven't been into the office for the past week. My job has been to drive all the cast and crew to the airport so they can get over there. It wouldn't be to big of a deal except their flights have been at 7 o'clock in the morning, they live all over the city and it is an international flight, so it's important to get there early. What that means for me is I've been getting up at 4 o'clock so that I can round people and equipment up. It's about as fun as you imagine it being. So I told them that if I have to wake up super early to drive people to the airport then I'm not coming in to the office. It only seems fair, and they agree. There isn't much going on at the office anyway.

As evidence by this post, I did not get to go to Belize (sorry Uncle Tony). But for a second there, I though I might get to go. Pretty much since they found out they were shooting abroad, they told us the PAs would not go, because there wasn't enough budget. Makes sense, no big deal. But then out of no where, the LA coordinator asks if I have a passport and says they might be shipping me out. I was taken by surprise as I definitely had the mind set that I was not going. Now they are saying they might be taking me to Belize. I didn't know what to think. I eventually came to find that there were two people who where supposed to go before me, but they didn't have passports and were waiting on a "rush order" for them. Who knew you could get a rush on passports? So if they didn't get it then I would go in their place. Well, they got them and I got left behind. Oh, well. I was a little disappointed, but at the same time I'm not really sweating it. I wasn't really expecting to go in the first place and I think it would have been a pretty big ordeal to go down there. Plus, I would have missed out on a lot of early morning drives to the airport (I am now an expert at dropping people off at LAX), and I would be crazy to miss out on that. Or is it the other way around?

Something else exciting is I might be in front of the camera pretty soon. There was a Craigslist post saying a company is hiring people to be extras in movies and TV shows. So I went in and had an audition/interview and they liked me. So now I am going to start receiving a weekly e-mail with productions they are casting and what kind of people they are looking for, and I can submit myself for small roles. It's nothing I'm going to take too seriously, but it will be fun and a little extra money. But who know, maybe I will get lucky with something!

Other than that, I'm still sticking with The Asylum, but actively looking for something else. I guess we'll see if anything comes up.

-Things I've Learned: Be ready for anything. Whether its going to a foreign country on the turn of a dime, or taking people to the airport at the wee hours of the morning.

-Plans for the future: Continue with The Asylum? Find other work? Be an extra on a feature film? Star in a feature film? Eh?