Monday, April 26, 2010

A Little Excitement

I am coming through on the plans that I made.

I am now living Sherman Oaks. It's an all around better situation here. I really did like living in West Hollywood but it was time to move. So now I am living with people my own age, the rent is cheaper, and I'm closer to my other friends (that's right, I have friends!) who also live in North Hollywood. So that's all good. I just feel more in control of my own destiny.

And I also started an internship. I know, right? It's nothing too special though... I'm working with a company called Quantum Releasing, a distribution/production company. The reason I got hired (along with several other interns, who also applied on craigslist) is to help them prepare to go to Cannes film festival at the end of May. They have us calling other distribution companies from all over the world to set up meetings during Cannes. So I started in Greece and finished in Portugal, cold calling these companies to see if they are interested in doing business with Quantum. It's definitely "intern" work, but I am considering it something to do while I continue to look for better things. The only bad is that there is no pay (free labor once again, what is wrong with me?), it's not the greatest thing I've ever done and I have to go in a 5:00 am... Wait a minute, 5:00am?? Yes. Very early. But it's because I have to be on the time zone of the countries on the other side of the globe (i.e. Greece and Portugal). I only stay till 11:00 am, so I have the rest of the day ahead of me, and I consider myself a "morning person", so it's not too terrible. Maybe I'll get into a habit of going to bed early and waking up early (just not 5:00 am early...). At least I am getting better at talking to people on the phone and maybe I will learn a thing or two (see, there is a little positive here!).

What I've Learned: Everyone is looking for free labor.

Plans for the Future: Find decent work!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Baby Steps

I'm knocking things off my to-do list slowly.

It was finally decided that I am going to move to Sherman Oaks, so I'm pretty psyched. It's cool because it's not in the middle of everything, but it's still pretty close. And it's cheaper than where I live now (that's what I'm mainly psyched about) and I'll be living with some people my own age who seem pretty cool (I know this based on the one time I met them for about 15 min, so lets hope this stays true...). Regardless, it will be a good change. Maybe just what I need to get the ball rolling. I am tentatively moving on April 18th.

I am also going to start reading "Save the Cat" to try and learn a little about screen plays. Maybe I'll post some of the more interesting/important/impressive/irresponsible(?) info in (take that, alliteration) the blog. Maybe you can learn something too.

By the way, I stumbled across this little master piece. This is the trailer to one of the films I worked on while I was at The Asylum. I present you: Mega Piranha

*The video is wider than my page so here is a link to the trailer on YouTube: *

Yea. I'm proud of that one...

-Things I've learned: Mega Piranha looks Bad Ass (emphasis on Bad)

-Plans for the future: Move, Get a job

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Uncertain Times

Guys, I have a confession to make: I cannot predict the future. It saddens me to say this, but I am no better than the next when it comes to telling what is coming up around the corner.

Whooo.... Glad to get that off my chest. Besides, if I could predict the future, I definitely would not be sitting here writing this blog (I would be sitting somewhere much more fancy!).

I am going through such a big transition point in my life. Now that I'm done with school I really need to get on the ball and find some work. I've been out there and applying and interviewing, but its been slow coming. I am waiting to hear back about the History Channel gig, but they tell me they are in a holding pattern to see about the new shows they are making. Therefore, I am in a holding pattern. But they haven't even told me I have the job for sure, so that makes it even more uncertain (Ahhhh).

I also made the decision to move out of the place I am living in right now. I just need to find a place that is a little cheaper to live in. And as much as I like living with my current house mates (a married couple with a 6-year-old kid), I think I need to find some people my own age. Maybe I can even make some friends out here. I'm young, single and moderately attractive (ok... fair to moderate... give me a break.... I'm going to get back into working out, again. I mean it this time!) and living in Los Angeles. There is no reason I shouldn't go out and have a good time. So, I've been looking on craigslist for place that would suit me and I found a place in Sherman Oaks which would be perfect. A couple of guys my age who seem pretty cool. The only thing is they have a different friend that might want to live in the room I would take. I can't really compete with that, so they are going to let me know in a couple of days. Once again, a holding pattern and more uncertainty.

I guess I will just have to wait and see.

-Things I've learned: You just have to go with the flow. At this point in my career, I will probably be going from job to job for a while and nothing will ever truly be full time. I just need to keep sticking with it.

-Plans for the future: Wait to hear back from these people and keep looking for other jobs and a places to live.