Sunday, June 21, 2009

Another gig - Back for round two

The old saying is true: It's all about who you know.

I got a text from my Step-dad asking if I had received a phone call from Susan. This was out of the blue and I hadn't gotten the call, but I couldn't help but to be curious. I asked him about it the next day and he said that she might have some work for me. There is a guy that she knows that has a project coming up and he could use a PA. Needless to say I was excited and eager to find out what the work was.

A few days later I got a call from a guy named Mikel. He said he is shooting a music video in Houston next week and was told I am a good candidate for a PA. I hopped on the opportunity to get more experience and told him I was the man for the job. The work would be on an "internship basis" (i.e. I don't get paid), but it will be a good chance to make more contacts. So I am looking forward to it.

The video will be for another Houston rapper, although this one is a little more prominent. His name is Paul Wall and he is with Swisha House. I think that part of the video is filmed already and it will only be a half day. By the time I am done with this I am going to be an expert in making rap music videos.

So, anyway, I gave Mikel my e-mail address and I am now waiting for him to send me the details of where everything is going down. I think I learned my lesson about waiting to get info on these shoots because on my first gig I didn't get a call until 9 o'clock the night before, telling me where to go. And that was after I had called and said that I hadn't gotten any info yet. But maybe this one will be different. Regardless, I am still playing the waiting game...

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