Monday, June 29, 2009

Tryin' to make it happen

You can live for the day, but you always have to plan for the future.

I met with an old college buddy (not really "old" as I just graduated a month ago) named Toby and we talked about some ideas for the future. We both have similar goals and he has some ideas and contacts that could be really good for him, and maybe me. In fact, Toby started his own small production company and has made a few commercials. Slowly but surely, he is getting on his way.

Well, Toby was contacted by another college friend who apparently knows someone who pitched a show to the Travel Channel. They gave him the go ahead to shoot a pilot episode and he was looking for a production company to work with. When they asked Toby if he wanted in, he said yes, then asked if I wanted to be a part. I, of course, said yes. This could be a fast track to getting a job with the Travel Channel or even the Discovery Channel and if not that I will at least have the experience. The show will have something to do with micro-brewerys and they were talking about shooting the pilot at the Shiner brewery. As of right now, the wheels aren't moving, but hopefully there will be a meeting set up sometime soon to figure out what it will be about.

Toby also told me about a short film that he was working on writing and asked if I would take a part in that too. I agreed and am waiting for a preliminary script.

I have also decided to try a new tact for getting work on a feature film. I researched films that are in preproduction on IMDbPro and are going to start filming in the next month or two. Then I found the production company that is in charge and got a phone number for their office to see if they are putting the crew together. I am going to try calling some of the better prospects tomorrow and see if I can't get a job. We'll see if it works...

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