Sunday, November 22, 2009

Does lightning stike twice?

I think so!

Especially on the Empire State Building...

But also for my career in LA.

I got another job offer. And this time it's not a music video. Yes!! I finally get to work on a narrative film. I am going to be a Production Assistant on a low budget ghost film. I applied to it off where the post read "Need a PA to do what PA's do" and that is all. I'm pretty sure I am capable of doing "what PA's do" so I blindly applied for it. This was about a week or so ago. They finally got back to me with this:


Are you willing to drive to Joshua Tree (2 hrs from LA ) in your car for the dates of 11/28 – 12/1 and possibly 12/2 at $50 a day, bring a sleeping bag (will be "camping" in house) and work as a P.A. (basically food & supplies) for a super low budget indie ghostie film?

Thank You

I was definitely intrigued and being one to not pass up work, let alone a great opportunity and possibly a super fun time, I replied "Yes". This was yesterday and I have not yet heard back from them. I am pretty sure that they are going to give me the job, and I guess I shouldn't expect anything back too soon, seeing as it took them so long to get back to me the first time. Seems to be a common theme in this job. I shall continue to wait...

I also have another job possibly lined up as a Production Assistant again. It's for a project for an American Film Institute student. The reason I'm not sure I have it yet is because I have to interview with the person who is producing it tomorrow, via Skype. I'm not exactly sure how it's going to go down, but I'm willing to give it a try. It is scheduled for tomorrow (Monday) at 10 am. I'll let you know how it goes.

Oh, I got a membership to a gym. Half to keep in shape and half for my sanity. So that I will have something to do on days when I'm not working. At this rate I am going to be in great shape.

-Things I've learned: You just gotta stick with it. There are days where I feel like I am not getting anything accomplished and I'm sure there are going to be many more to come. I guess my overnight success hasn't come yet... Yeah right.

-Plans for the Future: Rock this interview and have two gigs lined up for the future. Work out and get the chiseled body that has always been hiding inside of me.

1 comment:

  1. Weekend camping trip filming adventure? Sounds right up your alley. It will be interesting if nothing else. Reminds me of an episode of Entourage where they went to Joshua Tree. And you get PAID!
