Sometimes it's hard to be productive when you don't really have anything going on. When there is no one else pushing you, you have to really make a point to be proactive. It is very easy to sleep in till 11:00, surf the internet, watch TV, eat some cheese, surf the internet some more and not really do anything but have a lazy day. Not to say I do any of this...
But I am happy to say that I am now part of a group called the Motion Picture Cooperative (or Co-Op for short, or MPC for even shorter, and it's not because I'm too lazy to say it all the way out) and we have a website. A really good friend (since at least 3rd grade) of mine named Zach is one of the people who started it and asked me to join. It was originally him and several of his friends that he went to school with, but they are looking for help and decided to bring me aboard (best decision they ever made? quite possibly). It's good because I want to produce and there is only one other person in the group who wants to produce as well, and she is pretty swamped with a real job, so I will get a chance to do a lot and hopefully stay busy.
The way it works is, every one in the group has their own "company" that they hope to start eventually (mine is Bluetang Productions, I'll explain the name one day) that is under Motion Picture Co-Op and we all will bring projects to the table. So if I have an idea for a short film, I can get help with the script, help shooting, and help editing, all from people who are in the Co-Op. And I will help them with their projects too (that's where my so-called producer skills come in). It's pretty much a group of creative people getting together to help each other out. Right now we are working on a project called "Funny Shorts" (website) that one member came up with. So I will help write and produce (includes script breakdown, location scouting, casting, props, finances and just about anything else that needs to be done in order to make the thing happen) some of the Funny Shorts. I am super excited get started with this and to be apart of this group.
In other news, I had coffee with my "cold call" e-mail contact. Her name is Kandis and she is the assistant director of development at 2929 Productions. She is only 25 (two years older than me!) and already pretty successful. She did grow up in Cali and has been acting since she was like 12, so she had a little head start on me, but she is still doing really good for herself. We got along really well and she is going to pass my info on to some people she knows, so maybe something will come from our little meeting.
I still have plans to meet with Regina from Geffen next Friday and I am excited about that. She is like the grown up version of a social butterfly and knows a ton of people (at least I think she does) who might be able to help me.
And I got a little surprise in my e-mail inbox earlier today; a guy that I met during SXSW and e-mailed almost two months ago responded to me. He said he has been really busy but still wants to get together. Sweet! So, we are working on setting something up.
Also, my brother called me last week saying he had some good news for me. After I found out that he did not win the lottery, he told me he talked to a friend of his who has a sister and a friend who live and work out here in LA and would be willing to get together with me. So, we are working on setting something up there, too.
Other than that, I am just hanging in there...
-Things I've Learned: No matter how long ago you reached out to someone, don't count them out. There is always a chance they may still get back to you.
-Plans for the future: Kick ass for MPC. Network like there is no tomorrow.
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